Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Ava is NINE months old now! She has made it very clear to us during the short time she has been a part of our family that she is 'Queen' of our household. Hailey has graciously stepped down from that postition and has joined the rest of us as lowly serfs in our girl infested castle.
This face has 'TROUBLE' written all over it.

Ok, it also has 'CUTEST BABY EVER!' written all over it.

Ava is really starting to come alive. She is sitting up really well and starting to vocalize a lot. Her favorite words are 'da da' (usually said when she's happy), 'ma ma' (usually said when she's angry), 'Gah', 'Ah vah' (sounds like Ava!), and 'Uh liza' (sounds like Eliza). She is quite the jabber mouth. She laughs a lot, still loves playing with paper and cups and other non-toy objects, and likes to pick up little 'specks' with her little thumb and pointer finger. Yesterday at her doctors appointment in the waiting room I stood her up next to the fish tank and she kept trying to grab the fish though the glass with her fingers. It was really cute.

Here's Ava's now THREE tooth grin. She is actually in the process of breaking the fourth right now. We've had a lot of sleepless nights and crying lately. It's ok though because she really does make up for it by being so darn cute.


Tara G. said...

I think she looks so much like Eliza! What a cutie.

Reno 411 said...

Her cheeks are the CUTEST things ever. I just wanna squeeze em'.

Me said...

uh ya, you have pretty stinkin cute kids! I hear you are coming to visit. Can't wait to see you, we should definatly cause some chaos!

Jen said...

Soooo cute!!! Can't wait to squeeze her!

Paige said...

She is so adorable Erin..seriously I LOVE those cheeks, it reminds me of my kids when they were babies!