Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My little puppies

My instructions to the girls after bath time were as follows: "dry off, lotion up, and put on jammies so I can dry your hair." Simple enough, right? Well, after about 10 minutes or so I went in to check on their progress and this is what I found....

I call them "Panty Head Puppies"
Hailey even took the liberty of drawing a circle around her eye with marker...nice effect.

The instigator of the 'Panty Head Puppies'

I can't believe I've never thought to do this. My girls are so smart.

Anyway, I thought it was pretty hilarious. So typical of my girls to come up with something like this. They always keep me laughing. I sure love 'em!


Callgirl said...

that's funny, I love the circle with marker. It wouldn't be a complete panty puppy without the circle. Love it.

Carla Geddes said...

Your Family is so funny... we just love you guys. :D

Jordan and Chandra Smith said...

Your girls are so creative! They seem to play so well together as well, what a cute family you have!!

Kaybee said...

How fun! Go girls!